Add Victorian Jewelry to Your Collection with Help from Biris Jewelers in Stark County, Ohio

If you’re a collector of rare jewelry, then you’re undoubtedly interested in how events throughout history helped to shape such antique pieces. Victorian-era accessories, for instance, were crafted with designs that reflected the life and reign of Queen Victoria. Characterized by ornate gold settings and exquisite gemstones, Victorian jewelry is some of the most sought-after jewelry still around today. Though Victorian bracelets, earrings, necklaces, and rings are uncommon in the Canton, Ohio; Akron, Ohio; and Massillon, Ohio areas, Biris Jewelers has become Stark County, Ohio’s primary source for such jewels, as well as the top authority on pieces from the Victorian period.

One of the main reasons why so many collectors and jewelry enthusiasts have a penchant for Victorian-era accessories is that Queen Victoria had such a large impact on the styles of the time. During her 60+ year reign, this famous monarch was used as a sort of template for the Victorian jewelry made from 1837-1901. Not only was this period of fashion named for her, but the antique pieces you see at Biris Jewelers represent the queen’s feelings at the time they were manufactured. For example, Victorian rings, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings made from 1837-1861 were often made with such designs as bows, hearts, flowers, birds, and other pretty, uplifting motifs as the queen and Prince Albert were in love and very content during this time. If you notice such themed jewelry within Biris Jewelers’ inventory, chances are that the piece was made in the beginning of Queen Victoria’s reign.

Victorian Engagement RingAfter Prince Albert’s passing, the queen went into mourning. Victorian jewelry made from 1861-1880 then became much darker than it was previously. Black jewelry was common during this time as jewelers used fossilized coal, black enamel, and black onyx to craft their pieces. Most designs were inspired by ancient and Renaissance art, reflecting the sadness and melancholy that the queen was feeling after her husband’s death. Mourning brooches, bracelets, and cameos were popular during this time, and some can still be found by visiting Biris Jewelers’ establishment in Stark County.

Queen Victoria eventually emerged from her mourning and once again changed the style of Victorian-era accessories from 1880-1901. As the queen’s mood became lighter, so did the Victorian rings, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings made during this time. Rare jewelry from the late Victorian period usually features whimsical themes such as stars, dragons, griffins, and moons. These antique pieces also display a heavy Japanese influence. As gold was less expensive during this time, most of the jewelry you’ll find today features ornate gold settings. When you take the trip from your Canton, Akron, or Massillon home to Biris Jewelers, you’ll notice that their selection of Victorian jewelry includes a lot of gold.

Victorian Cameo BroochAs Victorian-era accessories are considered to be fairly rare jewelry around the Stark County, Ohio area, it’s nice to know that Biris Jewelers has such a wide assortment available. Not only can this local jewelry store provide you with a number of different Victorian rings, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, but the associates can also give you additional information about the antique pieces made during this period. To learn more about what they have available, visit their website at or give them a call at 330.494.8182. If you’d prefer to see their selection of Victorian jewelry in person, take the quick trip from your Canton, Ohio; Akron, Ohio; or Massillon, Ohio home to Biris Jewelers.

Biris Jewelers
806 S Main St
North Canton, Ohio 44720
Ph: 330.494.8182